Step-by-step Guide on How to Sell on Shopee?

how to sell on shopee

With minimal constraints and requirements to sell products on Shopee, Shopee has become one of the most popular e-commerce platforms amongst Malaysians.

Within Shopee, there are three types of sellers, namely, Normal Seller, Preferred Seller, and Shoppee Mall Seller. If your business is an official brand, you will be able to become a Shopee Mall Seller.

On the other hand, if you are selling your own brand of products, you will have to start as a Normal Seller, and gradually make your way up into becoming a Preferred Seller by building up rapport and trust from buyers.

If you’re ready to learn how to sell on Shopee, read on, and we will guide you through it step-by-step!


1. Install and sign up

Start by installing the Shoppe Malaysia App onto your device. The app is available for free on both the Google Play Store and App Store. Once you have downloaded the app, proceed to create an account by selecting the “Me” panel, where you will be brought to your profile page.

Then click “sign up”. Once you have filled up your details and verified your account via a 6-digit code sent to your SMS, your account is ready to be used.

2. Upload image of the product

After your account has been set up, click on the “Me” panel again, and you will see the “Start selling” button on the top left corner of your profile. Click on it.

Then, select “Add New Product”, which will then prompt you to upload an image of your product—either from camera, photos, or Instagram. Once you have selected an image, filters will be provided for you to edit the image. When you’re satisfied with how your image looks, click “Save”.

3. Fill up product details

Next, you will then be asked to fill up details regarding your products such as its name, category and price. Once you have filled the details of your product to your satisfaction, ensure that the “Publish Product” is enabled.

Then, click on “Submit”. After you’ve done so, a pop-up would appear to remind you to ship out the product within 2 days. Click “OK”.


4. Check or edit your product listing

With that done, your product would have been successfully listed! If you wish to check your product listings, go to “View My Shop”, where your products would be listed.

In the case where you spot some mistake that you wish to correct, just select the product, and click on the 3-dotted icon, and select “Edit Product” from the drop-down.

Those are all the steps! We hope you have a clear idea now on how to sell on Shopee!


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